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CVIT Presents New Science at Annual SNMMI meeting in Toronto

Please stop by the posters at the annual meeting of the SNMMI in Toronto:

242494: Rest Dose Spillover Correction of Stress Blood Flow Measurements in Digital Rb-82 Myocardial Perfusion PET/CT Imaging

James A. Case(1), Staci A. Courter(1), Paul O. Case(2), Brett Sperry(3), Eric V. Burgett(3) and Timothy, M. Bateman(1,3)

(1 )Cardiovascular Imaging Technologies, (2) Georgia Institute of Technology,(3) Mid America Heart Institute

241577: Clinical Validation of a Deep Learning Attenuation Correction Technique in a Stress-Only if Normal SPECT Imaging Protocol

Timothy M. Bateman (1,2),

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