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Improving outcomes with precision

Placing the latest cutting-edge imaging software and research laboratory services into your hands to  deliver precise diagnostic and prognostic assessments to improve patient outcomes. Scroll down to learn more about how we can help.

Asian doctor consulting for a senior male patient

Our Software Solutions

Medical Information

Hours of Operation

We are open

Monday through Friday

8:00am to 5:00pm

Central US Time


Off-hours support is available by special request.


Expert Insight Into the Most Challenging Situations

Superior Service

When you need help with patient care, it's not enough to send an email and hope someone gets back to you. Real time support is all that matters. Our connectivity solution gets you in contact with our professionals when you need help.

Our team of internationally recognized professionals is committed to providing you with the tools to provide outstanding quality care to every patient. Expect nothing but the best.

Research Laboratory

Advanced Imaging Tools

Our team provides more than just software solutions, we provide insight into the future of nuclear cardiology. Our imaging core lab stands ready to help the latest advances in medical research meet their clinical trial endpoints

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